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Let's Go to the Movies - Inside Out

Normally I would write this from a parent’s perspective, but I really had to take my ten year old daughter’s perspective on this outing with Let’s Go. Veronica had been researching this movie for the past month and could tell anyone anything about the movie before we even set foot in the theater. We had one little hurdle though in going to the movies, Veronica doesn’t like a pure dark room where she can’t see the people around her. She doesn’t like the caged in feeling that often makes her feel the need to leave the theater multiple times during a movie. Often times I feel like I am paying for time in the bathroom or hallway more than the seat in front of the big screen.

This past Saturday the Regal Royal Park Stadium 16 Theater in Gainesville opened up the theater a little early for the group Let’s Go! To the Movies! with a sensory showing of Inside Out!, a really cute film by Pixar. The theater kept the lights on at about 1/3 lighting and the sound was turned down keeping the kids on their seats rather than under them shaking with their ears covered. The theater was open only to our group for the showing and they allowed the kids plenty of time to acclimate to the theater.

Veronica loved that she could see her new friend’s faces and tell how far away other people were from her. She also loved that the sound was turned down. She carries a blankey with her just in case she needs to cover up and it didn’t come out once during the movie…that says a lot. Other children were seen walking around, dancing on the ramps and stairs. Talking, giggling and plenty of fun was had by all the families. I could see the apprehension on some of the other family’s children’s faces as the movie started. I saw hands go on ears and someone say I don’t think I can stay in here, but after the first 3-5 minutes all hands were off of faces, and the smiles came out.

Thank you Regal Senior Management, for partnering with Let's Go 4 Kids to make "sensory-friendly" movies available to our families. We would love to give you a standing ovation for the time and energy that you put into this to get it just right.

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